Ukraine Blackjack Hackers Steal 500 Russian MoD’s Objects

Written by Gabby Lee

January 22, 2024

Ukraine Blackjack Hackers Steal 500 Russian MoD's Objects

According to sources from RBC-Ukraine, Ukrainian Blackjack Hackers, who are believed to be associated with the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), have successfully breached a state enterprise in Russia.  

The Blackjack hackers targeted a Russian organization responsible for constructing military facilities across the country. The hackers stole extensive documentation for 500 objects under the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The Ukrainian cyber warriors managed to download over 1.2 TB of data from the Main Military Construction Management for Special Objects.

Blackjack Hackers Stole Over 500 Russian MoD’s Objects On Military Defense

As per the sources, the stolen data comprises crucial information on over 500 military facilities of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

This includes details about weapon arsenals, anti-aircraft missile complexes, headquarters, barracks (including those situated in territories captured by the enemy in Ukraine), and various technical and project documentation.

Additionally, the Blackjack hackers have successfully taken down 7 servers and encrypted more than 150 computers owned by the institution’s employees. Consequently, the Russian special builders are now facing a significant loss of data, including backup copies of information.

Ukranian Cyber Attacks on Russia

Since the commencement of the full-scale war, Ukrainian IT forces are responsible for breach of Russian internet and have actively targeted the websites of prominent Russian banks and government agencies.

Their efforts have resulted in the disruption of operations for entities such as the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), and the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsiya).

Furthermore, large state-controlled media outlets with propagandist tendencies have also been forced to halt their operations due to these cyberattacks.

In a recent incident, the Ukrainian IT army successfully disrupted the functioning of major airports in Russia, an event that was attributed to a DDoS attack by the propagandist media.

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