
What is a Whaling Phishing Attack?
What is a Whaling Phishing Attack?
Whaling phishing, also known simply as whaling, is a highly targeted and sophisticated form of phishing attack that specifically targets high-level executives within an organization, such ...
Phishing Attacks on the Rise Businesses Face Growing Cyberthreat
Phishing Attacks on the Rise: Businesses Face Growing Cyberthreat
In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, phishing attacks have emerged as one of the most formidable challenges for businesses worldwide. The year 2023 witnessed ...
Email Spoofing 101: Understanding the Basics and How to Protect Your Enterprise Data
Email Spoofing 101: Understanding the Basics and How to Protect Your Enterprise Data
Email address spoofing is a deception technique used in spam and phishing attacks. Spoofers manipulate email headers to disguise their ...
Cybersecurity 101 for Enterprise Privacy and Protection
Cybersecurity 101 for Enterprise Privacy and Protection
Imagine a single event bringing your business to a standstill. Lost revenue, damaged reputation, and a scramble to contain the ...
How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Phishing Attacks
How AI is Revolutionizing Phishing Attacks
Phishing attacks have long been a major concern for enterprise organizations wordwide. As technology continues to advance, cybercriminals are finding ...
How to identify fake emails a guide to email threat detection
How to Identify Fake Emails: A Guide to Email Threat Detection
Email remains a cornerstone of communication and business transactions in the digital age. However, this convenience comes with a hidden threat: cybercrime. Phishing scams, malware-laden ...
10 Ways to Protect Your Enterprise from Phishing Attacks
10 Ways to Protect Your Enterprise from Phishing Attacks
Enterprise businesses face an ever-increasing threat from phishing attacks. These malicious attempts to deceive employees and gain unauthorized access to ...
Social Media Scams How Cybercriminals Steal Personal Information
Social Media Scams: How Cybercriminals Steal Personal Information
As the use of social media platforms in businesses continues to grow exponentially, the risks to organizations and their employees are also increasing. Social networks ...
Patients' Data Exposed in Phishing Attack Targeting LA County Health Services
Patients Data Exposed in Phishing Attack Targeting LA County Health Services
The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (LACDHS) recently disclosed a major data breach impacting an unknown number of ...
FIN7 Attempts Phishing at American Automaker’s IT Staff
FIN7 Attempts Phishing at American Automaker’s IT Staff
The financially motivated threat actor known as FIN7 recently executed a targeted attack against a prominent U.S. car manufacturer. Their ...