
Mustafa and Jumbo Group Hit by Ransomware Attack

Two prominent Singaporean companies - retail giant Mustafa Group and seafood restaurant chain Jumbo Group - were targeted in ransomware attacks.
Mustafa and Jumbo Group Hit by Ransomware Attack
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    Two prominent Singaporean companies – retail giant Mustafa Group and seafood restaurant chain Jumbo Group – were targeted in ransomware attacks.

    In the statement on Jumbo Group ransomware attack, signed by Jumbo Group CEO and executive director Ang Kiam Meng, the company acknowledged being subjected to a ransomware incident but did not provide any other details about the attack. Jumbo Group said it had immediately activated its business continuity plan in response.

    As of the disclosure date, the ransomware attack had not caused any significant disruptions to Jumbo Group’s business operations.

    The case is currently being investigated by local authorities including the police and Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) of Singapore.

    “Based on preliminary investigations of the incident, neither the group nor its external experts have observed any evidence [of] data exfiltration,” says the group.

    “The group takes information security seriously and as part of this process, is conducting a rigorous review of the incident and its systems. Going forward, the group will also seek advice from industry experts to further strengthen its overall cybersecurity.” 

    However, Jumbo Group did not reveal if the hackers had demanded any ransom. 

    Mustafa Group Also Targeted Amidst the Jumbo Group Ransomware Incident

    At the same time, Mustafa Group also reported a data breach incident. On April 25, a cybercriminal claimed to have stolen personal information of Mustafa Group’s customers and employees, including 180GB of data.

    The stolen information, comprising names, National Registration Identity Card numbers and home addresses, was allegedly uploaded to the BreachForums hacker site but has since been removed.

    The data breach is also being probed by relevant authorities like PDPC. Mustafa Group manages several retail outlets in Singapore selling products ranging from household essentials to fashion garments.

    The incident shows that even reputed brands are susceptible to cyber attacks from hackers aiming to exploit vulnerabilities and steal sensitive user data for profit or ransom.

    The recent attacks on Jumbo Group and Mustafa Group have underscored the need for robust ransomware prevention strategies. Companies must scrutinize their digital infrastructure for possible entry points exploited by cyber criminals and plug any security gaps.

    The incidents also highlight the importance of having an efficient incident response plan and disaster recovery capabilities to minimize business disruptions from cybersecurity breaches.


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