
Golden Corral Data Breach Impacts Over 180k People

Golden Corral Data Breach Impacts Over 180k People
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    The renowned American restaurant chain, Golden Corral, has recently revealed a data breach. The Golden Corral Data Breach occurred in August when cyber attackers targeted the company’s systems, compromising the personal information of more than 180,000 individuals.

    Golden Corral operates 298 locations across 43 U.S. states and Puerto Rico, with temporary suspensions at 24 locations for undisclosed reasons. In an official press release, the company stated that the attackers had unauthorized access to their systems from August 11 to August 15, obtaining sensitive data belonging to both current and former employees, as well as beneficiaries.

    “On or about August 15, 2023, Golden Corral experienced a data security incident that caused a temporary disruption to our corporate operations,”

    “Golden Corral notified federal law enforcement regarding the event. Golden Corral is also working to implement additional safeguards.”

    Golden Corral said.

    Golden Corral Data Breach is Said to Have Impacted Atleast 183,272 Individuals

    Following a thorough assessment of the potentially affected files, Golden Corral determined the extent of the information involved. On January 26, the company successfully identified the address information of all impacted individuals and commenced the process of sending breach notification letters on February 16.

    Although specific figures were not disclosed in the recent press release, Golden Corral later revealed in a report filed with Maine’s Attorney General that approximately 183,272 individuals had their data compromised in the cyberattack.

    Through their investigation, Golden Corral discovered that the stolen information may include employee, dependent, and beneficiary names, Social Security numbers, financial account details, driver’s license numbers, medical information, usernames and passwords, as well as health insurance information.

    “While Golden Corral is unaware of the misuse of any personal information impacted by this event, individuals are encouraged to remain vigilant against incidents of identity theft by reviewing account statements and explanations of benefits for unusual activity,”

    “Any suspicious activity should be reported to the appropriate insurance company, health care provider, or financial institution.”

    The restaurant chain warned.

    Unfortunately, a spokesperson from Golden Corral was unavailable for immediate comment.


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