This Week in Cybersecurity: 20th May – 24th May, American Radio Relay League Cyberattack Disrupts Services

Written by Gabby Lee

May 24, 2024

This Week in Cybersecurity: 20th May - 24th May

American Radio Relay League Cyberattack Disrupts Key Online Services

The American Radio Relay League, a national amateur radio association, suffered a severe cyberattack disrupting networks and key services like Logbook of the World. This important database logs operator contacts and is essential for awards. Services remained offline as ARRL investigates and works to secure systems, underscoring the risks even long-established groups face. Members await updates on the recovery. Read more

Banking Malware Grandoreiro is Back After Police Disruption to Target Banks Globally

The Grandoreiro banking trojan campaign resumed in March 2024 after a police disruption, targeting over 1,500 banks across more than 60 countries. It infiltrates financial institutions to enable theft from customer accounts using advanced techniques. Updates to the malware show the actors seek global operations. Detections increased significantly across Latin America, Africa, Europe and Asia. Read more

PNP Data Breached, Gun Related Transactions Shut Down

The Philippine National Police’s Firearms and Explosives Office database was compromised, affecting the agency’s online gun licensing system. The same actor responsible for an earlier breach of the PNP’s Logistics Data Information Management System is suspected. As a precaution, all PNP systems providing frontline services were shut down while the investigation examines potential privacy implications and how to strengthen protections of citizens’ sensitive data going forward. Read more

WSU Uni Data Breached, 7500 Students Affected

Western Sydney University disclosed a data breach impacting approximately 7,500 individuals after an intruder gained unauthorized access to the university’s Microsoft Office 365 environment between May 2021-January 2022. The breach resulted in some employee emails and files being accessed. An investigation found the intruder also viewed a student details spreadsheet, exposing names, dates of birth, emails and more. Read more

10 Ways to Protect Your Enterprise from Phishing Attacks

Protect your enterprise with these 10 strategies against phishing attacks. As these cybersecurity threats evolve rapidly, our article provides guidance on implementing measures like multi-factor authentication, threat detection tools, and security awareness training. By taking a holistic approach using people, processes and technology, businesses can enhance their defenses. Read the full blog for a deeper dive into each strategy and how to apply concepts to your unique environment. Read more

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